What’s the new part number for HGR ejector springs?

What’s the new part number for HGR ejector springs?

The part numbers V40G39 V40G40 and V40G50 have been replaced by our Turnlock part numbers:

V40G50-1-1BP = EPHGR-1S

V40G40-1-1BP = EPHGR-1S

V40G39-1-1BP = EPHGR-2S

V40G39-1-1AA = EPHGR-2S


The old part number V40G50-1-1BP and V40G40-1-1BP have the same size and function.

Difference between them is that the V40G50-1-1BP is in full stainless steel;

While the V40G40-1-1BP has the ejector spring in stainless steel, but the grommet and retaining ring are in Steel Cadmium plated.


V40G39-1-1BP and EPHGR-2S have the exact same form, fit and function.

V40G39-1-1AA has a cadmium plated coating which isn’t RoHS conform, so this has been superseded to the stainless steel version.


Here are the drawings:







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